Woozworld Information
You could make up to 4 Woozens in the early years of Woozworld.Woozworld's tale begins with Tribal Nova, a company that produces educational games for children. Part of the web-based technology developed at Tribal Nova was co-opted to produce the underlying basis for Woozworld. This project, which targeted an older audience, was spun off from Tribal Nova, launching as an independent company around December 2009.
Woozworld originally came from Montreal
Woozworld was founded in 2010, and started on December 2009.
Most of Woozworld's population comes from America, Europe and south Asia.
The Creator of woozworld is Eric Brassard.
Deadmau, Greyson Chance, Bruno Mars, Akon, Willow Smith, & Jacob Latimore, Tiesto and Young Avz as well as a few band members have a woozworld user.
Woozworld was originally based for ages 9-14
Woozworld was originally named "Kidstudio"
Woozworld's Headquarters are located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Woozworld currently has 3 different servers. English, French, and Portuguese.
Woozworld's signature color is Blue.
There are 4 nations on Woozworld: Lib Street, Mystic Alley, Cortoza, and Colony V. Jaywooz is apart of Lib Street, Maxwooz is apart of Cortoza, Jennywooz is apart of Mystic Alley, and Myawooz is apart of Colony V..
In February of 2013, Woozworld experienced a corruption in their system, Causing the website to go offline for a week. A hacker, Well known by the name "DD" was accused for the corruption.
Woozworld has over 10 million players.
When trade came out, We were able to trade wooz until woozens started getting scammed and complained about it.
Back in 2011, All woozens had the girl-pose.
Woozband & Moderator Information
There are currently 9 Woozband members: Myawooz, Jennywooz, Jaywooz, Maxwooz, Plush, Zeenawooz, Zackwooz, Lilywooz, Goodoldwooz and 1 archived member, StylaZ
Chucknorris owns the black market.
Chucknorris owns the black market.
Chucknorris has been on Woozworld for 6 years.
Jennywooz has been playing longer then Myawooz.
Stylaz the Animator Chose To Leave To Travel The World Before Getting A Job On A Movie.
Shamwooz is the longest member of Woozworld with 500 years. (Although he obviously wasn't on it that long)
Jaywooz used to accept relationship requests.
Mod210 and Chuck Norris were one of the first Moderators.
Jaywooz is the oldest Animator
Mod214 (Violet) was apparently fired for spending too much time with the Woozens. Before Mod214 got fired, She gave woozen Teresawoooz (AKA Terry) her Moderator trophy. Terry displays it in her unitz "The Morning Show." Also, Terry recorded it and uploaded it onto her YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TerryXWooz339
Mod131 is in charge of Unitz suspensions
Jaywooz is the oldest Animator
Mod214 (Violet) was apparently fired for spending too much time with the Woozens. Before Mod214 got fired, She gave woozen Teresawoooz (AKA Terry) her Moderator trophy. Terry displays it in her unitz "The Morning Show." Also, Terry recorded it and uploaded it onto her YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/TerryXWooz339
Mod131 is in charge of Unitz suspensions
Woozen Achievements
Supererg was the first one to stay #1 on top unitz for months before Ripleyw entered.
Ripleyw was the longest to stay for #1 on top unitz for months.
Chanel185 was the first one to have her designs on woozworld .
Insanee1 designed the 1-fan t-shirts.
The first Star Of The Week was Rivertowne.
Classified as Fashion Designer, Woozen Chanel185 was first to get one of her outfits published from her Hannah Montana collection. Later on, -Just-A-Girl- was second to get something published, Which was a hair.
CreepersGoBOOM was the first woozen to ever get fired from being a WoozGuidez. Later on, Ygrettesnow was the second one to be fired, She got sick and told Woozworld to demote her.
Ripleyw was the longest to stay for #1 on top unitz for months.
Chanel185 was the first one to have her designs on woozworld .
Insanee1 designed the 1-fan t-shirts.
The first Star Of The Week was Rivertowne.
Classified as Fashion Designer, Woozen Chanel185 was first to get one of her outfits published from her Hannah Montana collection. Later on, -Just-A-Girl- was second to get something published, Which was a hair.
CreepersGoBOOM was the first woozen to ever get fired from being a WoozGuidez. Later on, Ygrettesnow was the second one to be fired, She got sick and told Woozworld to demote her.
Famous Woozens on Woozworld
The following woozens named were collected from the ultimate fan girl, who included EVERY SINGLE FAMOUS WOOZEN EVER KNOWN IN WOOZWORLD in her own website http://truthaboutwoozens.weebly.com/ all credit should be given to the creator of that site

Thomp is famous for her main account "thompsonk" getting "hacked". thomp is considered nice to some people, but she really is just self centered, when thompsonk got hacked, all her friends and fans had set up a "charity" for her, and thomp didn't really care what they were doing for her.

Aeromeda might seem nice,but is she really? It seemed to me, she liked to add lots of woozens just to comment and woozup her posts. Not only does she add like EVERY single person on woozworld, she is those people who over prices to the maximum in their shops.

Aeropostale is famous because she is incredibly beautiful, smart, and friendly. Not only is she friendly, but she has a great personality and a great sense of humor. Aeropostale had also made everybody think about her beacuase of her wonderful interviews, at first i thought she was a snotty rich woozen, but she's way better than that!

agentblue10 is well known for dating the drama queen, Glitz7. agentblue10 has stated that he was going to break up with Glitz beacause she was "mean", but apparently he had not.

Ali-hearthero is famous for dating ripleyw for a LONG time. Ali-heearthero also wins alot of woozworld contests because ripleyw helps him advertise! he is also a stuck up rich woozen.

Artur114 is famous for making a beex shop and actually being better than ripley's beex shop and made it go down in top unitz.

chanel185 is famous for her clothes that she make for woozworld, and some actually make it into woozworld's store. Chanel195 has a youtube channel where she shows all her creations and collections.

chantelle123f is famous for her deadmau5 collection. People have had said that she spends her time looking for deadmau5 instead of spending time with friends and family. Chantelle123f is one of those people who spend too much on woozworld.

chexyie is famous for being friends with ripleyw and emaluv and for being 20 years old and older, and having a daughter. Chexyie is nice and has apparently took time off woozworld to work on her job and take care of her daughter.

chichichaglitz may seem nice to everybody, but she is just using her fans for attention. Around October, on her account KaylaDaze she pretended to be "hacked" and apparently the "hacker" said that "if tyou want Kayla back, you better woozup" Like..Seriously? What kind of hacker would ask for woozups, hackers hack to get money and items, not ask for attention. Soon later her closest friends began saying "Kayla stop trying to get attention, you have some already..." but the "hacker" continued the act.

Dannymiller is known for his "cute" posts, and getting around 20-40 woozups for every post he makes! Girls on woozworld woozup everything he says because he has "interesting" and "cute" posts, when their just overused and plain posts, Girls woozup his posts such as "Goodnight, woozup to say goodnight back too" and gets 20 woozups.

Dragonpheonix is famous for her gold attire, she's incredibly nice and sweet, and adds anybody! DragonPheonix also has nice parties and unitzs. Almost everything she owns on woozworld is gold.

emaluvu is known for being the sister of ripleyw. emaluv is nice and sweet and tries her best to add her fans, and hangout with them unlike some famous people.

Ems37 is famous for her wonderful collab and contest videos on youtube, and SOTW (star of the week) Ems37 is nice and normal unlike other famous woozens who try to kiss up to animators and are recognized cause their incredibly rich.

fireystar is probably the nicest woozen you'll ever see on woozworld, she has that nice and positive attitude to get you excited and such. She also has a wonderful color code for her outfits. She never gives up and helps new woozens out, and posts hilarious and thoughtful posts.

Glitz7 is most famous by hanging around latinlover00 all the time, and appearing at lots of woozworld eventz, BUT she is most famous for causing drama. Her drama got to a point in August 2013 that woozens had decided to make videos about her, and everything in woozworld was about her. Glitz7 also is engaged to agentblue10 who is also "famous" . In the year 2013, agentblue10 has said that she was indeed "mean" and he was going to break up with her, but never did.

haikupixie had became famous for her standing up for everybody to change woozworld back, she got o a point where mods have came and told her fans to leave the unitz, but they didn't care! they supported her and stayed. After a while, haikupixie was messaged by the mods and she said something to them that made the mods stop sending messages to people to leave. Thanks haikupixie!

Jackilope is a wonderful girl! She has been through many hardships in woozworld, but came through it. She has a positive attitude all the time, makes fun jokes, and thinks incredibly, thoughtful posts.

ladyGagaFan445 is a wonderful,and creative woozen. Ladygagafan445 is also friends with Sarah699j and Jackilope. Ladygagafan445 makes fun and incredibly funny posts, and is one of those people who believe in what they believe in and nobody can change their mind.

latinolover00 is proberly the most famous person on woozworld for his money, and drama. latinolover00 has millions of wooz and he could and could not take advantage of it, but guess what? he does. He paid woozens to vote for him whenever a contest was up. latinolover00 is also friends with glitz7, and people said they might have feelings toward eachother, but the hard cold truth is their just really good friends.

LillyEclroy is famous for being a woozguide. Lilly had apparently not do her job, she bought hacked bratz and left woozworld whenver there was a problem. Many people go talk to her to seem "cool", when Lilly treats them like fans and couldn't care less what they have to talk about.

Nikki-Ashley is popular for her youtube videos and movies such as "Ghost from the past" which had made it to 20 minutes long! Nikki is also popular for making the scariest ghost catching unitz.

Oliviabills is a amazing woozen she cares and helps out other people who are in need. recently she tried to help send a chain mail message to get woozworld to change the system so we can lower our prices.

Pearlsnow is famous for winning the first ever woozworld WNS (Woozworld's next star) and she was incredibly nice, but unfortunley quit woozworld. (She was one of the oldest woozworld celebrity)

rebecca-angel is famous for dating famous guys on woozworld like latinlover00, even though she dated many woozworld guys, she had a successful life and had created many "creative" clothes and outfits, won fashion shows, and people had bought some of her outfits and rebecca had gained huge profits.

redskirt one of those people who are rich, and create amazing shops. Not only does she make amazing shops, there incredibly over-priced. redskirt is also known for her color code.

ripleyw is most famous for her bargain beex store, and having millions of beex latinlover00 also said that ripley had hacked him. This is indeed NOT true. ripleyw is an independent and smart lady.

Romeoromeo has became famous because he had made incredibly beautiful shops and they had made it to top unitz. BUT although his shops may look unique and professional, the prices are very well over-prices. romeoromeo is also famous for his deadmau5, you would be most likely to see him wearing the old, classic boy woozworld outfit, deadmau5 and a rock vest.

saraspark had copied Aeromeda by her color code, but had changed it to a tealish green color. Many people say she's nice and is like those "Star of the week people" where they go crazy over the fame, and end up leaving their normal lives to be famous and popular.

Sarah is a nice woozen like Jackilope (their bff's) She goes through hard times,but manages to make it into a positive situation (she is also bff's with LadyGagaFan445, who is also popular/famous)

Sunset916 is famous for dating artur113 and for her adoption centre. Sunset had her adoption in top unitz.

tahlia345 is a very unique woozen, she was on woozworld when it was called "kidstudio" and she had made her skin blue. tahlia has a great personality and is incredibly sweet, she helps woozens since she has been on woozworld for a LONG time.

Taye0 is famous for her clothe's color code, and for winning SOTW (Star of the Week).People think she's nice and all, but I've personally been her friend before she became famous, and she DELETED me from her contacts because I was apparently "Unpopular". Taye0 did let her friends go for even more famous friends. Not only does she leave her friends behind, but she had also bullied other people because they were right and she was wrong. Stubborn much? Taye0 also go to unitz's that are "innappropiate" and tell people to leave, and about 3 hours later she hangs out in the unitz and doesn't leave. not so innocent...

Tennischampion creates amazing videos and has become famous because of his youtube channel. He's also friends with ems37.

thebeatles24 is famous for starring in xxtomboy's series "beexhigh" with ripleyw. She was also known from her school unitz that were used in the series.

themostswagg is probably the second most famous woozen on woozworld. Themostswagg had convinced many people that latinlover00 and Glitz7 are horrible and he is "great". 5 months later he had a little competition (a friendly game with Jackilope (their both friends)) with Jackilope, and he had sabotaged the competition to make Jacki Lose. The mostswagg is indeed self-centered and worse than latinlover00 and Glitz7.

vicky is famous for her other account vickytje which was apparently banned because somebody made a website saying horrible things and said that vicky made that website. Vicky is also one of those self-centered people. She is also known as latinlover00's best friends.

xxtomboy is most famous for her youtube series "Beexhigh" beexhigh has humor and teen drama. Beexhigh had got everybody talking about it and laughing. The show included ripleyw (a famous woozen) which helped the show gain popularity.
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