Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Outfit of the day

Hi woozens its your resident fashionista CrimsonIce again and today, i'll be posting the newest outfit for our POP TRENDZ fashion collection. Also don't forget to sign up for my competition to win rares or beex!
Outfit: Bow tea Beauty
Hair: Beauty
Face: Manga cat eyes
Dress: Bowtea dress
Shoes: Ballerina heels
Model: CrimsonIce
Fancy dress, royal gala, tea party perhaps? This dress has got the style and design for all kinds gatherings with you and your friends, or with a mysterious new someone ;). The flared design with beautifully folded pleats give it a royal and elegant look. The princess cut and bow at the top of the dress makes you look taller and reach higher! The hair "beauty" is a simple and rare hair, its hard to find them and I would recommend getting one as they do look very cute. Ballerina heels are a simple kind of shoe and no longer rare, they're purchasable for under 300 beex and colourable on the market place. Needless to say though, they totally rock the look. Its a great way of giving the dress and hair a tied together feel. This outfit works n all colours but I would recommend not using black as the hair when the dress is pink. A cute outfit for an adorable woozen, and its not too hard to find the different components either since they featured in fashion Friday!
I give this outfit a 10/10
  Contest reminderz: I am doing a fashionz contest for under level 30 woozens. And don't worry woozens who are higher than that, I will be making a contest for all of you as well! Comment below if you would like to have a contest for all woozens including level 30 and up. Now for the rules, guidlines and PRIZES:
If you win you can choose from any of the prizes below:
- Colourable classic minishorts
- Yeti girl dress and coat
-Yeti girl boots
- Pixel dress
- Z-princess hairstyle
- 1000 beex
- Trackesse corset
In addition to one of these prizes I will also be taking a photo of you in your winning outfit with me in my styling unitz! From this photo i'll be creating an awesome edit to feature on the blog. So get designing woozens!
Here are the rules:
- Enter once only unless instructed otherwise
- Level 30 and under woozens only
Here are some guidelines and tips:
Very soon i'll be changing the outfits in my styling unitz, you might want to go check it out and get some inspiration from them to win extra points! I'm not looking for rich or rare, i'm looking for a well designed outfit using common clothes. Put a little bit of magic into your outfits woozens because i know you've all got some inside of you :D
To enter:
- Click the "enter now" button below and follow the prompts. If you do not wish to submit a URL then simply make an album on woozworld called "Crimson Fashion" and save the photo in there. Dont write long paragraphs about the outfit if you dont want to, simply explain why you think it should win and what about it makes it a magical outfit!
Enter here woozens, its now or never!

This is your resident fashionista CrimsonIce wishing you good luck and signing off
CrimsonIce xx
PS. You can contact me via google hangouts since my woozworld is under lockdown (T_T parents), (PSSSTTT CRYSTALSNOW I MISS YOU AND IM SORRY I CANT GO ONLINE)

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