Monday, September 16, 2013

Old News

Here are some old news from my other blog that i don't use anymore cause now i'm on this blog and another blog lol. All of it is true I have reporterz who follow the woozworld stars daily and know these things xD

Haikupixie is a loving caring woozen. Shes uprising as the newest and alot of peoples most favorite famous woozen. She has these amazing parties and is very caring to her friends. Just this morning she threw a wedding for her friend and was number one on hot now. How generous is that? 

Shocking News

Haikupixie and Sharpaystyle are no longer friends nor sisters :o 
Here is what happend the full story.

(Random Fan Posted this song that she made up on haikupixie's woozin): 
all i want is fame and if something goes wrong i dont wanna take the blame, all i want is fame! all i want is fame!!!! if your listening to this song i wrote u will see the truth about meeeee and u will know. all i want is fame!! not to take the blame! all i want ♥ fame oh oh oh ohhhhhhhhh! all i want is fame. im just a shy kid nobody seems to notice meeee all i want is fame take off my make and ppl to see me all i want is fame not to take the blame all i want is fame!!!!! ohhh all i want is fame nobody seems to get me nobody seems to seeeeeee that i wanna be like u too oh im just a shy kid but nobody ever seems to notice me why cant u open ## ## eyes so u cant seeeeee, so u cant seeeeee me so u can see me the real me the hidden me all i want is for u to see see see see see for you to see
i wanna be like u. i wanna be like this too. ur not the only girl in the world. dont act like u cant see me i know u see dont act like u cant see me i know u can see. i know ur not blind. why am i so behind? does anybody get me? does anybody seeeee?see the real me? i dont want u to see my real voice but i still want to be famous hey its myyy choice nobody can stop meeeeeeee soon u will see. when i grow up im gonna make songs i hope u all come it wont take long. i hope u all se real me hope u see me i have always hidden that awesome star ###### ## cause ###### ## i can see, im a ######## star! flying across the sky i want u all to see me watch me watch me fly! im a star ur a star ur a star in my eyes i hope u all see see see see see the real meeee see the, real meeee can u open up -) ur eyes i wanna be like u tooo be like u.

(SharpayStyle Posts This Comment): I agree with you, since she became # famous # she has acted as she owns the world

(A Different Random Fan Comments back this):  First of all sharpaystyle, Girlloverforeva was saying she wants to be like haikupixie, not that she feels like haikupixie acts like she own the world. Second of all every since she became famous you been actin like a Beach to her for no freakin reason. If you really feel that way about haikupixie why dont u delete her then huh? If i was her i would have been deleted you because you acting like a Beach for no reason. All she has done is be nice to everyone and there are tons of ppl who agree! So Back off Sharpaystyle seriously!

(The Random Fan That Wrote the song comments this): reporting u ok? i made songs about how famous she is u #### ### ! people like u always gotta hate now u better leave me alone cuz i love her for being herself and i dont love u so if this was #### #### id smack the flesh off of you u damz beach now back off me and my bff and get a life ugly fuckx -.- end of story nothing else to say

After these posts Sharparystyle goes to haikupixie and says "Pixie :'( People are bullying me on woozin." So haikupixie goes to check the posts and she sees what sharpaystyle had said and doesn't reply. So then she follows haikupixie and says it and haikupixie says "I don't think I should defend you sharpay -,-" Sharpaystyles says " Why not they are bullying me and calling me mean stuff" haikupixie says "Because every since I got famous you been going on my woozin and saying something mean about me every chance you get, I let is slide the first few times. But this time I'm really dissapointed. Your supposed to be my sister and support me and you bring me down." Sharpaystyle says "You Ignore me!" Then haikupixie says "Sharpay I do not ignore you, I don't ignore any of my friends and you know that. The only reason I haven't been talking to you is because you havent been getting online. Today is the first day you have been online at the same time I was in a few weeks." Sharpaystyle says " What about when Someone wanted an interview with you on their show and I wanted to come up but they wouldn't let me!" Haikupixie says "That was not my fault, she wanted only me and her up there and that was not my unitz. I can't make up rules for someone elses unitz and I won't." Sharpaystyle "Your just stuck up and a woos no one really likes you they only like your deadmau and your friends!" Haikupixie says "That is not true I didn't have any other famous woozen as my friend until after I became famous and you know that. And alot of people have deadmau and they arent famous so that isnt true. And if you really hate me that much then we shouldn't be friends let alone sisters." Sharpaystyle says " I agree! Your an asshoe of a sister! How can u get famous and not make me famous with u!! You ASSHOE!!" Haikupixie said "You know what? Fine! :'( we wont be friends or sisters anymore. And before I go I wanted to say happy birthday. :'(" Then haikupixie traded her a colorable bratz item and deleted her. How sad was that? All haikupixie did was be nice to her the whole time. and even after being called an asshoe she still gave sharpaystyle her birthday gift to her. Its a shame how some people treat others.


MyaGroenmakin is a very sweet and funny girl. She is fairly popular and somewhat famous.

Popular? Yes. Famous? No

Everyone says MyaGroenmakin is famous, but we all know the real reason people likes her is because kizzi- and latinlover00 adopted her. Thing is she pretty much had to beg to be adopted. She plays it off cool like she didn't and now she does all she can to tell people kizzi and lat are her parents. How? Thats easy she posts on their woozin everyday "Good morning Mommy" "Good Morning Daddy" "Your the best parents ever" and many many more. Show off? definately.


Shocking News

Just last week a girl named Lavencio who is a fan of both haikupixie and MyaGroenmakin points out to us that before Mya was adopted by kizzi- and Latinlover00 they were sisters. She told us during the wedding of kizzi- and latinlover00 and tries to tell Mya that she should ask kizzi- and latinlover00 to adopt haikupixie also being that they were sisters before. Mya tries to act like she doesn't remember so she goes and tells haikupixie. She says she remembers but claims that was a long time ago and they are just best friends now. Did something happen between the two famous girls or is MyaGroenmakin being selfish, and haikupixie trying not to say something? Find out more later..


An Interview with haikupixie about Glitz7

We had to ask haikupixie questions about glitz7 without implying that she is being interviewed. Inorder to do that we used many different reporters to ask her questions so she wouldn't expect shes being interviewed and answer truthfully.

Reporter #1: Hey haikupixie.
haikupixie: Hihi :)
Reporter #1: Um did you see how glitz7 acted in the woozens quest unitz a few days ago.
Haikupixie: Ya
Reporter #1: What did you think about it? Do you think she was bullying us or being bullied?
Haikupixie: I think it was kinda going both ways if that makes sense.. Some mean things were said coming from both ways, so I really couldnt say who was bullying who.
Reporter #2: Hey haikupixie. I heard that you and glitz were friends before she became famous.. Is that true?
Haikupixie: Yes it is true. But she would deny it now and I've learned to live with that :I
Reporter #2: What happened?
Haikupixie: Well.. She just kinda started ignoring me after she became famous. And then she would get upset when I would come and she didn't invite me; Which she was fine with before she became famous cause we were friends like that. Now she will deny she ever knew me and thats okay. At least I now see I never really had a true friend in her :/
Reporter #2: Oh thats sad. So now that your famous I'm sure she would add you again if she does add you would you accept her friend request or would you deny and if you do accept do you think you could ever be good friends again?
Haikupixie: I would totally accept. I don't hold anything against anyone no matter how much it may have hurt my feelings at the moment. Everyone deserves a second chance, and yes we could be good friends again.
Reporter #3: Do you think glitz7 is a bully?
Haikupixie: No I think she is simply misunderstood. People walk up to her and say mean things and she says mean things back. And people make her look like she started it. I know that for sure. But if I was her I wouldn't say the things she says back. For example if I was glitz and someone walked up to me and said I'm a bitch. I would say: I'm sorry you feel that way. And walk away from that woozen. If they continue to follow me around I would ignore them. And if they tried to say something like I'm a snob for ignoring them because they aren't famous i would say. No that is not it, I'm ignoring you because you are saying things to me that i do not like. And i do not wish to be Sucked in to the conflict you are trying to start. Im sorry. Then I would block them and be done.
Reporter #3: I Think thats a great way of handling it. If you were talking to glitz7 right now and she asked for you advice what would you tell her?
Haikupixie: I would say Glitz I'm not saying this to be mean at all. But get a dictionary and a grammar book. That way when something happens when you have to get someone to leave you alone. You can say alot of big words, use them in a nice way, and confuse them so bad that they leave you alone because they don't understand. As my dad always says Kill them with kindness, coming back with more harsh words builds them up.
Reporter #3: Astounding Just Amazing :D

Well thats haikupixies opinion on glitz7 and I have to say I agree - By GlitterShineGirl

This is all old news i had posted on my blog but i saw you guys weren't updated on it. I have pleanty more news coming. By the way did anyone notice Demitra11 become a little more funny than usual? :O I didn't think it was possible Lol but she did. Someone is in a good mood.... :P

9/16/2013 - By GlitterShineGirl

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