Famous Woozens Love Life
OKay everyone to start off Kizzi- and Latinlover00 have broken up!! This was only one week ago and Latinlover00 already has yet another girlfriend her name is luna and he already te amo her?? Kizzi- is crushed and claims to be fine but we've had some people research and she is infact not fine! kizzi says and i qoute "If he were to ask me i would take him back in a heart beat." Awww sad I know!
In other news haikupixie's boyfriend Jason460l is quitting! He claims sunday will be his last day. Poor haikupixie is crushed at the news and tries to get him to stay, as well as his ex girlfriend lu is claiming to still have feelings for him. Shocking news? No! Jason seems to act like he doesn't care when haikupixie is around as well as going on woozin and staying on woozin the entire time they are all in the same room, but whenever its just the two alone he is there talking up a storm. Love triangle? Yes! What's gonna happen? We don't know yet!
Famous Woozen Feuds
Well as usual and not suprising glitz7 is causing trouble again in woozen quests which isnt new. She ignores people they call her names she blows up and causes a big mess. Thats everyday glitz for ya. But here's something new a craze member not to be named is accusing haikupixie of copying. But I have been to her blog before and I know she doesn't copy. Is someone just trying to start a blog war? Well if so it isnt working cause here is what haikupixie had to say to that "Hey guys,
I just want all of you to know I'm not joining in this stupid fight the craze members want to start. So you might as well quit bothering me, because its not going to work. If you want to make up lies and edit pictures and videos then do it but i'm not gonna fight back like you want.And as for my so called "friends" on that blog if you really believe I would lie, then you never really were a true friend because if you were you would know I'd never do anything like that.
Always with love,
~ Pixie >3"
Oh well. so long for that feud Haha!
Famous Woozen Friendships
Well as you may have noticed Latinlover00 has added someone new to his hot friends list. Also him and kizzi no longer talk.
Kizzi- Is now besties with haikupixie. Shes been helping her stay comfy while going through the breakup.
In Other new Haikupixie has become friends with the new woozguide willowkittycat they hangout alot now she has also become obsessed with MrTaco Lol
Well thats all for now good bye everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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