Friday, November 7, 2014

Rare outfit of the day with CrimsonIce

Hi woozens its your resident fashionista CrimsonIce again and today I'll be showing you the latest outfit of the day! Comment if you want to buy any of the items or trade for them.

Outfit: Stellar Spring Spouter
Hair: Spartan hair
Face: Manga cat eyes
Top: Spring break crop top
Shorts: Classic minishorts
Shoes: Ribbon party heels

Amidst all the WNTM and halloween madness, many woozens have forgotten its spring! So why dont you help them remember with your latest new spring look! The spartan hair has always loooked good and woozworld is really beginning to nail those waves XD. Pulled back in a ponytail with cute accesories, who wouldnt want their hair worn like this? The spring break crop top features floral patterns and the matching multi strand necklace and sweat bands look adorable when worn all together. Shorts are a must have for summer, and an easy alternative for spring as well. They fit the leg and have the right kinda length to look hot and keep your style! Ribbon party heels arent expensive and they look good with most outfits, the ribbons give your outfit a girly look and the heels are exactly the right size. Wear it and own it woozens because everyone in woozworld are in need of a major spring reminder. Get your fashionz on!
 Dont forget to add your fashionista CrimsonIce, this is your resident fashionista signing off
CrimsonIce xx

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