Saturday, November 15, 2014

Woozworld Stories

                           Maleficent -The movie- (Making story about it)
     Once upon a time, there was a girl named Maleficent, she lived somewhere called,'The Moors.' She had wings so long, when she walked they sagged behind her.
     I flew towards the fairies. ''Let me tell her!'' ''No let me, you did last time!'' As one did, Miranda did, Lilly interrupted and finished,''There's a human who stole the crystal!'' She said. I was surprised and I swooped toward a cave. The tree guards were guarding him. ''Come out! Come out this instant!'' I said. The boy came out and told me,''I don't want to see the ugly trees!'' ''Don't worry Morris and Henry, You're actually quite handsome'', I told the trees. The trees nodded and let me continue. ''Are you fully grown?'' I asked the human. ''Well then you're just a boy.'' I said. ''And you're just a girl.. at least I think so.'' He replied. ''Hmph well give it back!'' I said. ''Give what back?'' He replied. ''You know what I mean!'' I cried. He threw it back to me while I caught it and threw it into the river. ''You wasted it!'' He cried. ''No I didn't!'' I replied.
     We walked into the forest and talked, we shook hands. My hand burned. ''Ouch! Iron burn fairies!'' I cried. He threw his iron bracelet away. I was very impressed that he just threw away something valuable just to shake my hand. Saying that he stole the crystal. He left and we told eachother to see eachother again.. Maybe? I was so happy. The sun fell and I flew to the tree to sleep. ''MALEFICENT! Maleficent where are you!'' I heard, in the morning. As he was just about to leave, I swooped towards him and he turned around. ''So what do you do for fun?'' He asked.
     I was dragging him with my hands and threw him into the lake. He pulled me down and we splashed each other. We ate berries and talked. As we grew.. our friendship grew stronger and stronger and when I turned 16, he gave me a kiss which he called,'True loves kiss.' But as we grew, he became more attached to trying to be the king of the castle. The castle that was my enemy. But I did not exactly care. He would take over and make things right!.. Right? He got to be a slave in the castle which was a start I guess.. for him.
     I, the boy who kissed Maleficent am named James.. am at the king's castle. ''We lost the war against the Moors.. I want that girl's head to me! But none of you are worthy! None of you did it! Who thinks they are worthy and can do it?" King said. I hesitated but said I was. I can't believe I said that. My own heart hurt. But Maleficent or castle. Castle. ''I am worthy , king.'' I said. ''If you don't do this, I will kill you're ugly soul! You hear me?'' King said. I nodded and went off. I kept this in my head, King said that if I did this, I would become king, He was about to die, that's why. I called Maleficent's name. ''Maleficent!'' I called. She flew towards me, happily. ''I know I haven't spent much time with you and I'm sorry.'' I said. ''I forgive you.'' She said. And we walked towards the Moors. We sat and she leaned against me. ''Thirsty?'' I said. She took the bottle and drank. She slowly fell asleep. I held the knife but I couldn't do it.. so I cut off her wings. I ran off with her wings in a big and brought it to the king. The king knew I couldn't bring him the head so he knew I would be killed, he had said. ''Son, The wings are better than her head! Let her suffer. Good..'' King said. ''I will be a good king.'' I said.
     I woke up.. My wings? Where Are my wings? I cried. I sobbed and then got up. I tucked my hair away , changed a twig to a staff, and I was ready. I found a boy who was a bird actually and I saved his life. He said he'd do anything I wanted and I told him to go to king stefan's castle and find out what happened.
     He told me that they had a baby and a big celebration was to be held in 10 minutes. I went towards the castle and while the 3 fairies, Miranda, Lilly, and Camile were giving wonderful gifts.. I stormed in and gave a gift myself, ''YOUR BABY WILL PRICK HER FINGER ON THE SPINNING WHEEL AND SLEEP LIKE A SLEEP LIKE DEATH WHEN SHE'S 16!'' That was my gift. King Stefan begged me to stop. And I commanded him to beg more. He begged. ''Ok one way for her to be saved. She has to kiss true love!'' I said. He was shocked and I went away. King stefan sent servants to burn every spinning wheel and keep Aurora locked away by the 3 fairies. I mostly cared for her and grew to like Aurora. Her 16th birthday came and Aurora went back to the castle. My bird and I went to the castle and tried to stop her but it happened. I felt it. When I sneaked into the castle. Guards attacked me and put iron over me. It burned so bad but I turned the bird into a dragon and it killed most guards.. Aurora set my wings free and they came back to me. King Stefan and I fought each other and I grabbed him by my hands and dropped him. He clung onto me and I got set free. He died and I let Aurora be the Leader of the Moors. I let my hair go down and then I just smiled

-Stethanie297 XOXO


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